miercuri, decembrie 19

NO Sugar!

If YOU WANT TO LOSE WEIGHT I always tell people to avoid sugar at all costs. If you stop eating sugar, you will immediately start to see weight loss, I promise you. Sugar is found everywhere, not just in candy. It’s in most of your drinks: juices, smoothies, sodas, alcoholic drinks, Starbucks drinks… It’s in your food: fruit, dried fruit, anything packaged, all simple carbohydrates such as rice, pasta and bread. Sugar not only stores excess fat, but it ruins your teeth! Is sugar like cocaine? According to studies, the brain’s reward region releases dopamine, the same hormone released when taking drugs, has the same effect when eating/drinking sugar. Just like over-using drugs, the more you eat – the less you feel satisfied! I don’t think we should go EXTREME and abolish sugar from our lives, but if you try to be as NATURAL as possible – and only eat sugar that comes from nature (I’m talking about fruits and figs people) then I think that’s acceptable. Everything else IS NOT!


Let’s face it. Even though becoming a healthier person is obviously a very good endeavor to shoot for, it is definitely a challenge to stay focused, determined, persistent and consistent. There are going to be times when you have to choose between two equally important things and you have to choose fitness. There are going to be temptations to eat bad, drink, skip workouts, not workout as hard, etc. However, if you want to realize your fitness goal, you have to make these necessary sacrifices. The amount of what you are willing to sacrifice is what will determine how successful you will become. At the same time, while these sacrifices sound harsh, the good part is: is that the more you make fitness a successful habit, the less ‘perceived’ sacrifices you will have to make. In life, everything comes with a sacrifice. If you want to change your life to get to higher goal, then expect sacrifice to be part of the game plan. Be prepared that the road to your destination will not be easy, and understand that nothing great occurs without sacrifice.

luni, august 29

great deal

For what it’s worth, it’s never too late, or in my case too early, to be whoever you want to be. There’s no time limit… start whenever you want… you can change or stay the same. There are no rules to this thing. We can make the best or the worst of it. I hope you make the best of it. I hope you see things that stop you. I hope you feel things that you never felt before. I hope you meet people with a different point of view. I hope you live a life that you’re proud of and if you find that you’re not, I hope you have the strength to start all over again.

sâmbătă, august 7

3 zile...studiu despre tine

"...locuiesc vizavi. Te vad in fiecare dimineata, gol, cu ferestrele deschise...nu ma arat, caci asta te-ar face sa zambesti...te studiez, numar femeile care le porti seara si le incercuiesc pe cele care si-au castigat dreptul sa deschida ferestrele dimineata. Iti stiu chipul speriat cand esti singur, si te-am vazut de atatea ori plangand dupa ce ai iubit o femeie care tocmai a plecat. Ti-am vazut toate mastile...caci intr-o zi ai lasat ferestrele deschise si la pod...trebuie sa urci in fiecare zi treptele acelea singur, ca sa-ti alegi cine vrei sa fii. Cred ca doar trei zile in ultimul an ai trait fara nici o masca...si atunci iti venea mereu in vizita aceeasi femeie...dar atunci inchideai ferestrele...toate! si trageai perdelele...toate!...si plecau toate celelalte! Intra cu spatele drept la tine, dar iesea fugarita de cat de tare te-ar fi iubit daca nu te-ar fi stiut atat de bine...atat de rau de fapt... Nu iubi! Asteapta sa vin sa-ti fac curatenie!..."

Niste raspunsuri- Mihaela Radulescu

marți, iunie 15

Higher, faster, stronger...

Urcatul scarilor este atat de eficient deoarece iti forteaza organismul sa lupte impotriva gravitatiei, obligandu-ti astfel muschii sa 'munceasca' de doua ori mai mult decat in mod normal.
Pentru ca este un exercitiu destul de extenuant, efectele sale sunt vizibile intr-o perioada de timp mult mai redusa decat in cazul altor sporturi. De exemplu, 15 minute de urcat pe scari sunt echivalente cu 30 de minute de alergat.
Este unul dintre cele mai solicitante exercitii, deoarece te obliga sa iti muti intreaga greutate a corpului atat pe vertical, cat si pe orizontal.Chiar si pentru persoanele sedentare, care nu includ in programul lor zilnic nicio activitate sportiva, urcatul scarilor poate imbunatati considerabil sanatatea inimii si a sistemului circulator.

luni, iunie 7

Sportul, de mii de ani pentru sanatate...

Toţi suntem conştienţi că exerciţiul fizic este vital pentru a fi sănătoşi. Cu toate acestea, găsim tot felul de motive pentru care să nu ne facem timp zilnic să facem mişcare.
Iată ce poate face exerciţiul fizic pentru sănătatea noastră:

-Sportul ajuta la eliminarea kilogramelor in exces si auto­regleaza greutatea corporala.
-Sportul reduce considerabil depresia si anxietatea.
- Intareste oasele, inima, muschii, intregul sistem cardio-respirator. Creste increderea in sine si autosatisfactia.
-Reduce considerabil efectele stresului.
-Imbunatateste rezistenta fizica si concentrarea psihica.
-Ajuta la coordonarea miscarilor, simtul echilibrului si flexibilitatea coloanei vertebrale si mobilitatea articulatiilor.
-Revigoreaza activitatea sexuala :D
-Invatam lucruri noi.
-Dezvoltam obiceiuri sanatoase legate de nutritie, conservarea energiei, dozarea efortului si autocunoasterea personala. Deseori se pot descoperi si consolida calitatile de lider.
-Sportul elimina prin piele, cu ajutorul procesului de transpiratie, o gama larga de toxine, impuritati, grasimi, hormoni.
-Regleaza in mod stralucit metabolismul organismului uman.
-Mersul pe jos are un efect minunat asupra celor care, din diverse probleme de sanatate, nu pot practica sporturi dinamice.
-Sistemul nervos beneficiaza intr-o mare masura de efectele activitatii fizice.
-Calitatea si durata som­nu­lui sunt considerabil imbunatatite de orice efort fizic.
-Dezvoltarea simtului estetic este un efect secundar al practicarii sportului.

Intregul trup vorbea intr-un grai aparte, tacut, lipsit de ieftinatatea cuvintelor....